
43 posts

APRS Provides Enhanced Experience at Fireworks Endurance Ride in Santa Cruz

APRS Provides Enhanced Experience at Fireworks Endurance Ride in SantaCruz By Allison Hershey, KM6RMN (PIO) The Santa Cruz County Horsemen’s Association’s annual FireworksEndurance Ride covers 30 to 50 miles of natural terrain in the SantaCruz Mountains. The remote nature of the ride made traditionalcommunication a challenge. So, since 2009 they […]

Santa Cruz County ARES and CERT work together during Scotts Valley Active Shooter Drill

Santa Cruz County ARES and CERT work together during Scotts ValleyActive Shooter Drill By Allison Hershey (KM6RMN)   During the last week of June, UC Santa Cruz (UCSC) Police department andScotts Valley Police Department hosted daily active shooter drills atScotts Valley High School campus. Personnel from 40 law enforcement andfire […]